Monday, December 16, 2013

CMake - basic tutorial

This is a short tutorial about CMake with a practical example. CMake is a tool to generate build files but does not compile! So, if you use Linux, CMake creates Makefile which make tool uses it to actually build your C++ application. The advantage of CMake over the standard make, is writing a CMake script is relatively easy comparing to a Makefile script. Another advantage is, CMake can generate build files for other platforms, so if you want to build your application for another platform like MS Windows, CMake does that for you just by telling which platform you want to build for.

Unfortunately a lot of examples found on the internet is based on one simple Hello World file, which doesn't represent the real power of CMake and also doesn't represent a realistic directory structure of real projects.

Ok, below we see how a typical project folder looks like:
             |__ src
             |       |__ main.cpp
             |       |__ xxx.cpp
             |       |__ yyy.cpp
             |       |__ zzz.cpp  
             |__ include
             |__ libs
             |__ build
             |__ CMakeLists.txt
Now, we want to tell CMake that in the folder 'src' there is the source files, in 'include' there is the include files (in case of C/C++) and in the 'libs' we have the libraries. The build folder will contain the build files that CMake generates.
CMakeLists.txt is the script CMake will read to know how to build the project.
So, how would our CMakeLists.txt look like?
Below we have an example of CMakeLists.txt:

# Minimum CMake version required.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)

# Not necessary, but recommended, projectname:


# The version number.
set (Tutorial_VERSION_MAJOR 1)
set (Tutorial_VERSION_MINOR 0)

set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-g -Wall")


# Declare var names for source path
set (INC ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include)


# Add source files to SRCS variable
list(APPEND SRCS ${SRC}/main.cpp
${SRC}/xxx.cpp ${SRC}/yyy.cpp ${SRC}/zzz.cpp)

# Tell CMake where the include files are

# is the same as include_directories
# in this case, we have no real lib files

# name the executable 'MAIN' and tell
# CMake which files are used
add_executable(MAIN ${SRCS})

# Tell CMake what libraries to link
# with. For example the BOOST's regex

# but it could also a library in the libs folder,
# which can be built with:
# add_library(mylib ${LIBS}/lib_x)
target_link_libraries(MAIN boost_regex)

If we run CMake in the same directory as where the above CMakeLists.txt resides, a bunch of files and folder will be created in that same directory. This will clutter up our project folder, to prevent that we tell CMake to put the generated build files in the build folder:

cmake -Bbuild -H.
If everything went well, we'll see the build folder with the generated build files. If we than move to the build folder, we can run the following command to compile the sources (assuming this is a C++ project on a Linux machine with the 'make' tool):
make .
If your sourcecode is successfully compiled, you'll see the MAIN executable in the build folder.

So, it's quite easy, you just need to tell CMake where the source files and libraries are, what to build and CMake is doing the ugly work for you.
We also use just one CMakeLists.txt, normally you should have CMakeLists.txt in every sourcecode folder, but for the sake of simplicity, we use only 1 CMakeLists.txt. I'll punt another CMake example next time with multiple CMakeLists.txt. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Vim - Reminders part 1

On this page I show some commands which you might forgot. For me it's to quickly look up how to do it again. So let's start.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Vim - Nice little handy tips and tricks

I found some nice little tricks to perform some actions a little bit faster

Toggle toggle toggle...
If you want to set line numbers you do like this:
:set number
you can even make it a bit shorter"
:se nu

To disable line numbers:
set no number
set no nu

But you can also toggle by adding an exclamation mark '!'
:se nu!

Another toggle:
:se cul!
This is to put a line under the cursor, some like it, some not. I really like it!


Another one:
I often like to load a bunch of files at once and when I'm done editing with a file, I'll get another buffer to edit (":h buffer" for more information). But sometimes I want 2 files next to each other, just to see if they look similar (but not identical). In that case I'd like to have 2 files open next to each other, so I want the window split in two vertical windows. This is how we can do that:
:vert sb x
Where x is the buffer number you want, assuming you already loaded a bunch of files. Now you get two windows with current buffer on the right window and buffer x on the left. Cool!

Compare 2 buffers:
Ok, so the above one creates 2 windows, each containing a buffer. Suppose you have a big file like a few thousand lines and want to check the difference, no problem with Vim. On each window you execute the command:
or shorter,
To turn off:
With the exclamation mark, it turns off for all windows.

To jump to the next difference:
read as "go to the next compare". The other way around is:

To obtain the difference from the other file to the current file:
Note, this is per difference, so not the whole file at once. The other way around:
Exercise with it, you'll love it!
By the way, I mapped diffthis and diffoff as:
nmap [Leader]d :diffthis
nmap [Leader]dd :diffoff!
replace [ with <, this blogger automatically removes '<', I guess because of security point of view (xss).

Other cute commands:
If you have multiple windows, you can close them all except the current one by this:
There is also:
which closes the current window, but than I rather use Ctrl+w c, which is faster.

Follow the breadcrumbs:
One of the important things an editor should have is navigating forward and backwards my cursor positions. Say you edited a function or a method in your source code, than you jump to another function to do some other editions there or copy a snippet of code, the next thing you want to do is go back to the previous position. In normal mode you type:
for jumping back to the previous position, to jump forward again:
This is a very useful and powerful Vim command, a must-have desperately tool.

Forgot to sudo:
Very often I forget to add sudo if I want to edit a file with root permission, here is the remedy:
:w !sudo tee %
This one is hackish :)

Let's hex :
As a programmer, coder or hacker you need to check the binary data of a file. For example, you want to check the jfif segment (wiki-jpeg) of a jpeg file. To analyze the data, you can issue the command:
to go back to the original view:
:%!xxd -r
So light, yet so powerful.

Load multiple files from within Vim:
Sometimes when writing code in Vim, I just need some other files to edit or maybe just to look at some code. Here's how you can do that:
:args somefolder/*.php
or if you want to browse to a folder and than load you can do the following:
:e .
This makes Vim as file browser, than you go to a certain folder, i.e. 'somefolder', than select those files with regular expression by first typing:
than type:
and than type:
So by typing mr you open a regular-expression shell to select the matching files, than type the matching expression and than me to edit the files that match with the regular expression.

Insert date:
I like this one too, inserting date in the current file on the current cursorposition:
:r !date

Are you ready for this:
I sometimes accidentally close a file I was working on and to type
:e myfolder/subfolder/somecrazyfile.crz is just too annoying. But check out the power of Vim:
shows you the recently closed files, than type:
and boom! Your recently closed file is back, where x is the id number of one of the closed files.

But this can be done faster! Check this, really amazing, hit the following keys:
You're back to the last cursor position in you last closed file! Amazing, just ONE key combination, amazing!
No plugins, just Vim! I'm sorry, I don't know if Emacs can do that :P

Copy/paste tricks:
I was a bit frustrated to copy a word and than replace another word with the copied one. I don't know why I didn't figured it out much earlier, but check this how to do it:
yiw is to copy the word where your cursor is on it, than do:
viwp this selects the word and than paste it with the yanked word earlier. Cool huh.
If you want to do this for another word, do this:
viw"0p meaning replace it with the word from register 0. When you yank or delete a word, the word is automatcially saved in register 0. You select the register by " and than a number. And of course, p is for paste.

When you yank a complete line with yy, you can than replace another line with:
To do this again for another line:
I found this handy trick on:

NSNotification example