Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Voice Interface

Since Apple brilliantly introduced the touch interface, I thought now it's time to introduce Voice interface. It's especially useful when a car driver has to focus on the road. You just speak some commands and a smartphone responses back to you. I mean, you need some kind of feedback. The difficulty seems to me the intelligence of signal processing. Such a device needs to know the context when it hears someone talking. Is it talking to the device? Is it someone just talking to someone else etc...

From what I know, there are ear devices, like ear aids, which can hear from which directions the sound comes from. We can also filter the sound for speech and we have overcome two problems: Direction and speech filtering (with noise reduction). Next is to distinguish real speech commands from normal speech conversation. But that's up to the intelligence of the software to interpret. Another helpful thing is to recognize the right voice. If someone else is talking, the device can ignore it. If this is designed very well, it should be possible to create a good device that listens to you and help you performing some tasks, while focusing on other more important things (like watching the road for obstacles, though today smart cars can warn you for obstacles too).

My colleagues at work don't believe this as a good solution to safely drive a car while commanding a navigation device to set a new location. But I believe this will be a great solution, just like Apple did with the touch interface. Apple was always ahead with design and usability, while others stick to the old fashion technology. Well, I'm not that kind of people, I'm more like Steve Jobs :-)

To be continued...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Git tips!

When you work on a project managed by Git, you have to type a lot to see status and results. For example, to seen which branch you're working on, you have to type:
#git branch
You'll see a list of branches and the one with an asterisk is the current branch you are on at the moment.

If you want to switch to another branch you have to do like:
#git chekout nameofbranch

There are some nice stuff we can do, like showing the current branch in the prompt!
Put the following lines in your .bashrc file:
export PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[01;33m\]$(__git_ps1)\[\033[01;34m\] \$\[\033[00m\] '

Furthermore, adding .gitconfig file in your home directory will automatically change the behavior of Git. My .gitconfig looks like following:

name = My Name
email = My.Email@gmail.com

ci = commit
co = checkout
st = status
di = diff
br = branch

color = true

ui = true

editor = vim

pretty = oneline

Especially those alliases are cool. If I want to checkout to a branch, I can do this:
#git co nameofbranch

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Vim - Omnicompletion - ctags!

How to get intellisense like (omnicompletion) feature on Vim for standard C libraries!
If you're a Vim user and also code C sources in Vim, than you quickly find yourself switching between terminals or browser to look for the type of arguments you need for standard C functions like strcmp() or strtok() or whatever. Well, not anymore! I found a lot of examples how to use omnicompletion whitin Vim, but almost all of them assume you need omnicompletion for C++, php, python or whatever. I googled my ass off to find an example of omnicompletion for standard C libraries.
First, what I did that didn't work. I looked at the folders where those standard c include files reside and found those in /usr/include/ directory. So I was analyzing the files for C only headers like stdio.h and such. I was also looking for Linux's systemcall files, like sockets etc...
Since version Vim 7.0 Vim supports omnicompletion and to work with that feature Vim needs a ctagged file (a file that is generated by ctags). This tag files contains a list of functionnames, prototypes, defines and other C related stuff, formatted in an indexed way so it can be looked up in a fast and efficient way (I guess, I'd rather use an SQLite engine as a solution). So to put it all together, we need to make a tag file using ctags. On Linux distros like Ubuntu, it's installed by default, but if you don't have one, google for exuberant ctags, download it and install it.
To generate a ctags file, you need to do the following:
# ctags /usr/include/*.h
This will generate a ctags file named tags.
If you open a c file and try out omnicompletion on the word "prin" by hitting Ctrl+x Ctrl+o, Vim won't give you a printf in the list of possible functions. Well, that sucks :(
One of the solutions is figure out how ctags work! Well, I'm sorry, I just don't have the time to do that just because I happen to want omnicompletion for standard C libraries in Vim.
The other solution is this: Be sure you downloaded and installed apt-file. If you never used apt-file than run "apt-file update". After that do the following:
Create file "libcs-ignore" with the following content:

Than execute:
# apt-file list libc6-dev | grep -o '/usr/include/.*\.h'> ~/.vim/tags/libc6-filelist
Finally do this:
# ctags --sort=foldcase --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -I./libc6-ignore -f ~/.vim/tags/libc6 -L ~/.vim/tags/libc6-filelist

And voila! You're done, you're finished! Try it out, but don't forget to set the tags in Vim:
# :set tags+=path/to/tag

Somehow, when ctags process the files, it gets fooled by those attributes listed in libc6-ignore file. -I option tells ctags to ignore thow words, so functionname will be parsed with the right functionname instead of __attribute__ etc... 


I found this solution from the following link:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's time for IPv6!

There is a very cool dude called himself Beej (see: beej.us), but according to his resume his name is Brian E. Hall, I guess. He has a funny homepage www.beej.us designed like a Commodore 64 terminal. Anyway, I was looking for a good tutorial about IPv6 and after googling a while I didn't find some good tutorials. So after a while beej.us came into my mind, as I once read his tutorial about network programming in C language, especially based on Linux.

I really enjoy reading his tutorials, as there is a lot of funny jokes he makes between the lines. So enough talking let's start getting in action. As about the whole world is using IPv4, bit by bit more people is experimenting with IPv6. Some internet providers already provides IPv6 addresses for experimental usage. So what's so creepy about IPv6? Well not much, but the problem is that a lot of devices like DHCP servers, routers and internet providers don't support IPv6 yet. Another problem is that most network applications running on a computer don't support IPv6.

With IPv6 practically every piece of hair of all creatures on the planet earth can have its own ip address. Wait a minute, plus some thousands of planet earths more :P. Am I exaggerating? Maybe yes, nut we are talking about a number of 2^128. And that's a lot my dear readers. This means, that every device on the planet, from dog trackers to magnetrons to watches to all electronic devices can have it's own static ip address. Cool, but now I want to see something about IPv6.

So how does IPv6 look like? Below you see an example of two types of IP versions:
IPv4: ""
IPv6: "2001:db80:63b3:1001:0000:0000:0000:3490"

IPv4 address has, as you already might know, 4 bytes separated by dots. While an IPv6 version has 16 bytes, with every pair bytes separated by double dots! Damn, so if I ask my collegae which IPv6 address he has, he would response to me like "Well Nordin, I have two zero zero one double dots D B eight zero double dots ....". Sorry, can you repeat it again?

But as Beej explained in his article, you can shrink the IPv6 address if there is a lot of zeroes in it, for example:
Uncompressed: "2001:0db8:63b3:0001:0000:0000:0000:3490"
Compressed: "2001:db8:63b3:1::3490"

That's much better, right :)
Another cool thing is the loopback addres, also known as the localhost, the equivalent of IPv4's
Compress it and you get:

Again another cool thing to know is to get your IPv4 address embedded in IPv6 address. That is if you want to represent your IPv4 address as an IPv6 address, check this out:
IPv4: ""
IPv6: "::FFFF:", which is actually "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:"

So if I have received an IPv4 address from the DHCP server and I want to connect to an IPv6 network device, than that should be possible by doing something like that: ::FFFF:". This way, you convert your provided IPv4 address into an IPv6 ipaddress, so you can talk to an IPv6 type host.

Well that's it for now, there'll be more soon...

NSNotification example